
Who can become a member of the AFNET association?

According to the association articles, membership is possible for

  • Scientists or other individuals who are able to promote the purpose of the association by their professional or personal skills in the field of atrial fibrillation:
    Membership fee 40 Euros/year
  • Medical Practices:
    Membership fee 100 Euros/year
  • Hospitals and institutions which are able to promote the purpose of the association:
    Membership fee 500 Euros/year
  • Companies and other supporting members:
    Membership fee1000 Euros/year


(Link ist extern)Application for membership (available in German only)

After downloadind and saving the document, you will be able to fill this in on your computer. Please get the printed and signed application back to us by regular mail or by fax (you will find our address and fax number on the application),


An overview of all members can be found here.


What does the association do for its members?

  • Hospitals and medical practices which are AFNET members can participate in AFNET studies if qualified accordingly.
  • Hospitals and medical practices will be provided with the AFNET logo.
  • AFNET provides its institutional and medical members with patient information booklets.
  • Members will be informed about the activities of the association by a periodic newsletter.
  • Addresses and services of institutional and medical AFNET members are mentioned on the AFNET website. Thereby AFNET supports its members in their self-promotion.
  • AFNET supports its members in puclic relations, e.g. by announcing puclic events of a member on the AFNET website.
  • Members who actively participate in one of the AFNET studies, will receive a certificate of participation.


The regular general meeting takes place once a year, normally during the annual congress of the German cardiac society in Mannheim.